American liberals love to praise supposedly superior European governance and culture, oblivious to the irony that they nevertheless continue to live in the United States. This phenomenon became particularly visible during the ObamaCare ordeal, as liberals claimed that we must somehow join the rest of the “industrialized world” in providing unsustainable government-controlled healthcare.
Well, here’s a dose of sobering reality. As noted on a front page story in today’s Wall Street Journal entitled “Europe’s Choice: Growth or Safety Net,” Europe has stagnated economically for the past two decades compared to the United States. Worse, this has occurred even as Europe continued its failure to carry their own weight with respectable defense expenditures. From 1990 to 1999, Europe’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 2.0%, compared to 3.3% for the U.S. From 2000 to 2008, Europe only grew 1.7%, whereas the U.S. grew 2.2%.
Yet we’re supposed to emulate their example? Can’t liberals just move there instead?
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