It looks like there will be more jobs next year as the American economy struggles free of the recession; it’s just that half of them won’t be full-time. Or come with a retirement plan. Or offer health coverage. Or even sick days. But hey; it’s work!
In a sobering report, Eve Tahmincioglu – herself an independent contractor – writes about the emergence of the “contingent workforce,” an umbrella term for freelancers, temps, and pay-for-project workers. According to a study released by Littler Mendelson, a leading employment law firm, up to 50% of the new jobs in the next economy will be contract work. The benefit to the company is payroll flexibility. The benefit to the worker is a job, or more likely, multiple jobs for less pay than a full-time equivalent position.
A bit surprising is the projection that managers and professionals like engineers, scientists, and attorneys are joining the ranks of the temporarily employed. So, what does all this mean for public policy? Plenty. With millions of workers on the hook for their own health care, retirement, and payroll taxes don’t be surprised if many of them default into “public options” like ObamaCare; especially if the government offers it at a lower price than the private sector. Just what The One wants: more jobs, more dependency on government!