At the Freedom Works get-out-the-vote event last Friday night, several conservative luminaries inspired the audience with their speeches. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), Freedom Works chairman Dick Armey and pastor-turned-Tea Party activist C. L. Bryant delivered rousing red meat remarks.
The show stealers, though, were two congressional candidates vying to become part of the freshman class of 2010. Charles Lollar is a Maryland businessman, Major in the Marine Corps Reserves and Republican nominee to challenge House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD). Lollar’s easy smile and personable air are making him a rising star in GOP circles, even if he fails to unseat the multi-term incumbent.
Morgan Philpot is another candidate to watch. A former member of the Utah legislature, Philpot is known for holding a copy of the U.S. Constitution in one hand and the Communist Manifesto in the other on the floor of the Utah House of Representatives. Before voting on a bill he asks his colleagues to which of the two documents the proposed bill moves the Utah body politic.
CFIF will be keeping an eye on these two candidates in the run-up to the November midterm elections. Check back for updates.