Interesting reading from explains that 46 states, plus the District of Columbia, already have internet sales taxes on the books. However, most businesses with an online presence either don’t know or don’t pay. In many circumstances the sales tax (as it’s called when the seller collects and reports the tax) is turned into a use tax (i.e. shifting collection and reporting to the buyer.)
The State of Alabama is apparently sending out notices for residents to pay up – for purchases over the last three years.
Here’s a list of states considering more direct legislation in order to recoup the estimated $8.6 billion in lost “revenue.”
‘Amazon laws’
States that are currently considering requiring out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes on online transactions:
• California
• Connecticut
• Illinois
• Iowa
• Maryland
• Minnesota
• New Mexico
• South Carolina
• Tennessee
• Vermont
• Virginia
• Wisconsin
Oh, joy.