Many have already chronicled the supreme selfishness and sense of entitlement exhibited by current Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who was appointed to her seat but recently defeated in the Republican primary by West Point and Yale Law School graduate and war veteran Joe Miller.
As if striving to degrade herself even further, Murkowski offered one of the strangest rationales for her vindictive write-in candidacy: defense of earmarks. Yes, earmarks, those symbols of what is wrong with our irresponsible tax-and-borrow-and-spend ruling class in Washington, D.C. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Murkowski accused Mr. Miller of supporting what she called “some pretty radical things,” including earmarks:
He is suggesting to us … some pretty radical things. You know, we dump Social Security. No more Medicare. Let’s get rid of the Department of Education. Elimination of all earmarks.”
Senator Murkowski’s obvious sense of personal entitlement is unsavory enough. The same goes for her defense of a a Department of Education that has only witnessed a deterioration in American scholastic achievement during its existence. But really, Senator Murkowski? A defense of earmarks?