Few things represent American ingenuity more than the incandescent light bulb. Painstakingly created by Thomas Edison in the late 19th century, it also represents the more universal concepts of hard work, persistence, creativity and the life-improving contributions of private entrepreneurs.
But Edison’s marvel is being relegated to anachronism status in our brave new world of hyper-regulatory big government.
This week in Winchester, Virginia, General Electric ceased operations at its last incandescent lightbulb factory. Under new nanny-state energy regulations, incandescent lightbulbs will be prohibited and replaced by compact florescent bulbs whose unflattering light makes for an ugly, sinister symbol of the nitpicking green movement. Most of those florescent bulbs are manufactured overseas, by the way, but that’s also of little concern to righteous green crusaders.
Question: Anyone else get that sneaking suspicion that famed energy hypocrite Al Gore is hastily stockpiling incandescent bulbs at his various compounds as we speak?
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