Who says Congressional Democrats don’t have a death wish for their party’s future? Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is openly stating his intent to pass an amnesty bill during the lame duck session between the November 2010 midterm elections and swearing in the new Congress in January.
And get this for his rationale:
“A lot of senators are retiring and might be willing to look at the issue,” Menendez said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We need something to jump off from if we’re going to go into it in the early part of the next Congress.”
What Menendez should have said is that a lot of senators will be nursing grudges during their four eight weeks notice of being fired, and might be willing to stick it to voters on a controversial issue.
If the liberals running the Democrat Party go through with threats like this to ram through unpopular agenda items during a lame duck session they will ensure minority status for their party for several election cycles to come.
H/T: Politico