Which of these sounds like the person currently serving as the leader of his party and nation’s chief executive? On one side is a man crisscrossing the nation in a mad-dash to raise his members’ hopes, and squeeze out a few more votes and volunteers by Election Day. He is upbeat, full of self-effacing humor, and mindful of long-term perspective.
The other man is in a television studio in Washington, D.C. defending the results of a campaign that ended almost two years ago. To a comedian. And failing.
The first man is former president Bill Clinton. The latter is his current successor Barack Obama. While Clinton is preaching a “we’re-all-in-this-together” sermon in battleground states, Obama seems lost in self-absorption, unable to feel anyone’s pain – including the crushing news that one’s political career is over because of votes the president asked you to take.
Sure, politics is a big-boy business with harsh outcomes. But it is jolting to watch President #44 missing so many lessons from #42 about the importance of running through the finish line instead of stopping several yards out. Just like winning, sometimes people need to feel like they’re losing for something; in this case the president’s uber-liberal agenda.
The failure to lead and inspire in the face of certain defeat will not be forgotten by those Democrats who survive to fight in 2012. Chance are, the memories of Clinton helping and Obama not will do much to make Hillary Clinton’s dark horse candidacy all the more appealing.
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