Remember how ObamaCare was furiously crafted behind locked doors, despite Obama’s assurances it would be “on C-Span?” The public revolted against those tactics, but Obama’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) apparently thought it all went pretty well. Look no further than its secrecy in concocting its latest “Net Neutrality” draft, despite FCC Commissioner Julius Genachowski’s own promises of “transparency.”
In this way, “Net Neutrality” imitates ObamaCare beyond the broader fact that it seeks to commandeer 1/6 of the American economy. Like ObamaCare, it is strongly opposed by the public and judicially suspect, and proponents know that exposing its manufacturing process to the sunlight would only help doom it. Accordingly, Chairman Genachowski appears intent on concealing his “Net Neutrality” proposal as long as possible before dumping it on the public later this month.
Why all the secrecy? What do Chairman Genachowski and “Net Neutrality” proponents fear so much? Instead of secrecy, they should follow Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker’s call to immediately make the draft public. Apply the same “openness” that you claim to desire for the Internet, Chairman Genachowski.
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