Are new “assault weapons” bans or pistol magazine limits appropriate responses to the Tucson murders? Airheads from Senator Chuck Schumer (D – New York) to “conservative” commentator Peggy Noonan seem to think so.
If those were effective answers, then one could presumably find evidence that such laws reduce crime. But that’s not the case, says Dr. John Lott, Jr.:
No research by criminologists or economists has found that the either the assault weapons ban or the magazine-size restrictions reduce crime. This is not surprising, as magazines are simply small metal boxes with a spring and are thus very easy to make. Besides, someone planning to harm a large number of people can easily bring two or more loaded guns.”
Indeed, the objective evidence shows that tougher gun restrictions increase crime and violence. Fewer gun restrictions, on the other hand, reduce crime and violence. Just look at Chicago, where everyone from Mayor Richard Daley to former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens predicted “more gun death” and “anarchy” following last year’s McDonald Supreme Court decision overturning that city’s draconian gun laws. Instead, Chicago homicides fell to their lowest level since 1965.
Polls show that the American public understands this. When will people like Peggy Noonan?