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September 25th, 2009 10:32 am
Summary of Yesterday’s Health Care Markup
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Here is a summary of the amendments considered during yesterday’s Senate Finance Committee hearing.  Chairman Baucus plans to finish work today and there is a possibility that the full Senate could take up consideration next week.  Be sure to call Congress and tell them what you think about higher taxes and government-run health care: 202-224-3121.  HT: Peter Roff

  • Menendez C4:  Ensure and clarify that children qualify as exchange eligible individuals and that there shall be the option of a child-only health insurance option and subsides in the exchanges.  Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Enzi C6:  To provide additional choices to individuals who would otherwise be enrolled in Medicaid throught expansions in this bill.  Rejected 10-13.
  • Ensign C14:  Protecting states that saw a Medicaid increase of more than 1 percent from an unfunded mandate.  Rejected 10-13.
  • Stabenow C6:  To ensure high quality, specialized care for children and youth with special medical, psychological, social and emotional needs who can accept and respond to the close relationships within a family setting, but whose special needs require more intensive or therapeutic services than are found in traditional foster care.  Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Menendez C9:  Ensuring quality health care for those with autism and other behavioral health conditions.
  • Crapo C2: The amendment would prohibit any expansion of the Medicaid program that would result in any additional costs for the States, now or in the future.
  • Enzi C9: To exempt any State that the State‘s revenues have declined for 2 consecutive fiscal year quarters from any mandatory Medicaid expansions.
  • Enzi C3:  Prior to implementing the employer assessments or fees described in Title 1, Subtitle D, the Secretary of Labor must certify that the implementation of such fees and assessments would not result in a reduction of workers‘ wages or an increase in the unemployment rate.  Passed 21-2.
  • Rockefeller #D10:  Revised the Medicare Commission provisions. Passed 15-3.
  • Nelson C1:  Strike provisions in Chairman‘s mark (pages 12-13) to allow states to form ―health care choice compacts. Agreed to on voice vote.
  • Grassley C9:  This amendment requires states to raise reimbursement rates for Medicaid providers (such as pediatricians, children‘s hospitals, and dentists) providing care for an eligible child to 100% of Medicare levels starting in 2014.  Rejected 10-13.
  • Bunning C3:  Amendment amends the Chairman‘s mark to require that any taxpayer who requests an exemption on their tax return from the personal responsibility excise tax be granted an exemption.  Rejected 9-14.
  • Cornyn C7:  The amendment would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to annually submit to Congress for consideration the flat dollar amount required of employers under Subtitle D.   In order to take effect, Congress must enact and the President must sign the penalty into law. Failed on a point of order 8-8.
  • Nelson D10:  Eliminate the Part D Coverage Gap and Require Drug Maker Rebates for Full-Benefit Dual Eligible Individuals.  Failed 13-10.
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