Here’s more encouraging news: Americans are “getting it” on the issue of federal deficits and debt. According to a new Gallup survey, an overwhelming 73% to 22% majority blames excess spending for the deficit, not insufficient taxation. Barack Obama and his liberal apologists seek to blame “tax cuts for the rich” and insufficient revenues as the problem. But as illustrated by the Heritage Foundation’s newly-released 2011 Budget Chart Book, our budget would still be approximately balanced if spending merely returned to early 2000s levels. Does any serious person contend that government was too small in the first half of the 2000s, that government didn’t spend enough, that the poor and hungry were somehow cast out on the cold streets, that bureaucrats went unpaid? Of course not. The problem is explosive spending growth. Obama oversaw an 84% increase in domestic discretionary spending, including his failed “stimulus,” in just his first two years.
Fortunately, Americans see through his attempt to demand even more taxpayer dollars to feed the insatiable leviathan he hopes to enlarge.