Rasmussen Reports says that 40% of Americans are still undecided on whether to support the “Path to Prosperity” budget plan by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). CFIF strongly endorses the House Budget Committee Chairman’s attempt to rein in federal spending, while giving Medicare beneficiaries more choices in their health care decisions.
According to the poll, 26% of likely voters support Ryan’s plan, while 34% oppose it. That leaves 40% who still don’t know enough about Ryan’s proposal to have an opinion.
The liberal media is already waging a misinformation campaign against Ryan and other sensible fiscal conservatives. For a primer on the “Path to Prosperity” go here.
In order to change the culture in Washington, voters need to change the terms of the debate. Educating yourself and others on Ryan’s plan gives fiscal conservatives the ammunition they need to win the hearts and minds of the 40% still undecided.
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