Roll Call speculates that with governors Mitch Daniels (R-IN) and Mike Huckabee (R-AR) not running for president in 2012, the possibility of Tim Pawlenty winning the Iowa caucuses is diminished. With T-Paw’s operation making him look like an earlier frontrunner in Iowa, maybe he’ll get no steam heading into the New Hampshire primary.
That seems unlikely for one important reason. As of today, the New Hampshire primary is expected to be on February 14th – eight days after Iowa’s caucuses. If that holds, the media won’t be able to stop talking about Pawlenty’s immediate frontrunner status. The media will crave a news story and a T-Paw win will put his campaign front and center.
If Pawlenty wins Iowa, all eyes will be on him. If he loses, he may be one more loss away from irrelevance.