Last week I wrote about California’s prison dilemma: mandatory sentencing laws combined with too few prisons. So far, the choice has been presented as between less time for criminals or more taxes for the law-abiding. An update by the Debra Saunders doesn’t paint a prettier picture:
Even law-and-order types understand that the system must be streamlined. Nina Salarno Ashford of Crime Victims United told me, “I understand budget constraints.” For example, parole violators should go to jail – not prison. But Salarno looks at overcrowded jails, which already have had to release inmates, and fears the consequences.
How do you pay for it?
“It is probably going to take taxes,” she answered.
No lie. There is not much point in keeping taxes low – only to have some lowlife boost your wallet.
On the other hand, there’s not much point in paying higher taxes if the state slashes the number of inmates by 40,000.
Now that the United States Supreme Court has demanded California reduce its overcrowded prison population by over 40,000, there may not be enough time to raise taxes and build adequate prison space even if Californians wanted to.
If ever there was a need for statesmanship from California’s executive and legislative leaders, this is it. Otherwise, when tens of thousands of felons are freed, there will literally be rioting in the streets.