Yesterday, the Center for Individual Freedom (“CFIF”) launched a State Sovereignty Project devoted to persuading all 50 states to aggressively exercise their authority to serve as a check on the ever-growing and often extra-constitutional power of the federal government.
The project, which builds on CFIF’s existing work over the last several years in this area, focuses a grassroots-driven approach to encourage governmental authorities closest to the people – governors, state and local legislatures, state attorneys general and other state constitutional officers – to reclaim and exercise the structural powers granted to them by the U.S. Constitution as a bulwark against federal encroachments on state sovereignty and erosion of the individual liberties of the people they serve. Specifically, CFIF will employ and enhance its numerous forms of paid advertising, earned media, social media and editorial materials, among other methods, as part of an ongoing broad education effort to promote localized grassroots activism.
Read the press release here.
Below is a sampling of CFIF’s recent work in support of the project’s goals:
- Supreme Court: Diminished Standing
- Podcast: Florida Secretary of State Defends Effort to Crack Down on Voter Fraud
- Conservative Governors Are Right to Resist Medicaid Expansion
- Governors Leading Nationwide Charge on Education Reform
- Obama Team Hijacks Schools’ Core Standards
- Podcast: Reining In Regulatory Power Grabs
- For Voting Rights, Don’t Keep Section 5 Alive
- Podcast: SCOTUS and Arizona’s Illegal Immigration Law
- Podcast: The Administration’s Education Power Grab
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CFIF on YouTube