Well, this will come as unwelcome news in the Obama White House. Their “Blame Bush” raison detre never held merit intellectually. Even if it did, however, someone willing to blame Bush for Obama’s failures at this point would by logic have to blame Clinton for Bush’s failures. Now, a new poll from The Washington Post and ABC News suggests that it’s no longer a workable political strategy regardless of logic. Specifically, almost as many people now approve of Bush’s performance as disapprove, and he now equals Obama:
The new poll found 47 percent saying they approve and 50 percent saying they disapprove. Among registered voters, his approval rating today is equal to President Obama’s, at 47 percent, according to the latest Post-ABC surveys.”
So “Blame Bush” is running on fumes, and exploiting the Newtown victims’ parents as political props failed him. To which ploy will Obama stoop next?
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