Five things Mississippi taxpayers should know and worry about the Gulf Coast “Fiber Optic Ring”
1) A new plan proposes to use a portion of Mississippi’s British Petroleum (BP) oil spill settlement to build a government-owned broadband network in South Mississippi. The network or “Fiber Ring” would, in theory, connect a dozen Gulf Coast cities across three counties. Local officials estimate that it could cost over $100 million.
2) So far, the state has promised $5 million of the BP funds towards the Fiber Ring, though it is not a fiscally sound proposal. In fact, there’s no indication of where the additional $95 million needed to finance this project will come from, but taxpayers will likely foot the bill.
3) Government-owned networks rarely succeed, and residents already have access to high-speed Internet provided by private companies. Competing with the private sector will only force taxpayers to subsidize a costly failure. Private Internet Service Providers (ISPs) already bring high-speed broadband to 97 percent of Harrison County residents, according to
4) When the government enters a broadband market, prices for consumers do not decrease. In fact, government-owned broadband networks have been found to charge consumers more than private firms, for similar services.
5) Other regions have tried (and failed) at building and running government-owned broadband networks. Here’s a look at some of the results:
Burlington Telecom, VT
Burlington Telecom was started in 2008 to provide telecommunications services to the citizens of Burlington, VT. The network floundered, and by 2014, it owed $33.5 million to Citibank. The city reached a final settlement in which it agreed to pay about a third of what was owed, and turned to the private sector for help financing the settlement.
Memphis Networx, TN
Memphis Networx was started as a public-private partnership by Memphis Light, Gas, and Water Division (MLGW) in 1999. By 2007, the network had failed and MLGW sold Networx to Colorado holding company Communications Infrastructure Investments for $11.5 million after losing about $28 million in public funds on the venture.
UTOPIA was started in 2002 to provide Internet services to 11 cities in Utah. The network’s initial capital investment was $135 million, and by 2014 the debt had climbed to $500 million. The cities involved have been looking for a private buyer to take over their network for several years.
CDE Lightband, TN
CDE Lightband was started in 2007 with a $16 million loan from the Clarksville Electric Power Board’s electric division to its broadband division. In 2009, the utility was approved to take an additional $4.5 million in loans to finance the network, leaving taxpayers and utility ratepayers on the hook for the debt.
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