Don’t give up on American culture and run off to some deserted island or desolate wilderness hut just yet. There’s still some good news to report.
According to a new Gallup survey, free enterprise, small businesses and capitalism remain far more popular among Americans than socialism or the federal government. Despite the media kid-gloves treatment of admitted socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, only 35% of respondents say they maintain a positive view of socialism. That is actually down from 2010 and 2012, when 36% and 39% reported positive feelings. As for the federal government, which too many candidates from all parties continue to offer as some sort of elixir for what ails us, only 44% report positive feelings. That is also down from 2010 and 2012, when 46% and 51% held it in high esteem.
So congratulations, Obama. Not exactly the transformative presidency in the mold of Ronald Reagan to which you aspired.
Meanwhile, 85% of Americans report positive feelings toward free enterprise, 60% hold capitalism favorably despite constant sloganeering from the political left and an astonishing 96% hold small business in high esteem.
Now it’s just a matter of all of us doing a better job of putting those ideals into practice.
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