May 26th, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Agree with Trump’s Pandemic Deregulation Initiative
In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight the benefits of the Trump Administration’s deregulation effort, both pre-pandemic and going forward, and how a budding effort among Congressional leftists to impose a moratorium on business mergers would severely undermine that effort. Rasmussen Reports brings excellent news in that regard, as large majorities of Americans agree with Trump rather than hyper-regulatory leftists:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 58% of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump’s decision to temporarily limit government regulation of small businesses to help them bounce back. Just 26% are opposed, while 17% are undecided.”
Sadly but perhaps predictably, those on the left stubbornly disagree:
The president’s action has triggered criticism from some. While 70% of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party agree with the decision to temporarily limit government regulation of small businesses, just 44% of Democrats share that view.”
Nevertheless, this is welcome news, as Americans maintain faith in what gave us the strongest economy in human history when the coronavirus pandemic suddenly hit – deregulation and letting America’s free market forces work.
September 5th, 2018 at 1:34 pm
Image of the Day: Right Track/Wrong Track Improves Sharply Since 2016
Somehow, it has escaped mainstream media attention that public satisfaction with America’s direction has jolted upward by almost 40%, from 26% to 36%, since January 2017:

Right Track/Wrong Track Improves Dramatically Since January 2017
July 21st, 2017 at 1:32 pm
Poll: Americans Still Prefer Smaller Government
Amid the dire mainstream media cacophony, there’s more good news to report. Not that any of those outlets will so much as mention this, but a new nationwide Rasmussen survey finds that Americans continue to support smaller government over big government, and the disparity has only increased in recent months:
Voters still place preference on a smaller, more hands-off government than on a larger, more hands-on one. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of likely U.S. voters would prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes over a larger, more active government with more services and higher taxes. That’s up from 52% in March.”
Who knows? Perhaps even the mainstream media themselves are responsible, in a boomerang effect. Regardless, it’s welcome and encouraging news on a summer Friday.
June 9th, 2017 at 1:28 pm
Rasmussen: Americans Have Cops’ Backs
Beyond the James Comey cacophony that increasingly appears composed of left-wing hype rather than legal substance, it’s worth highlighting an encouraging new Rasmussen Reports survey released this week.
Despite years of false “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” demonization of the nation’s police forces, the American public continues to back the cops:
It’s been a rough few years to be a police officer, with high-profile police shootings and riots dominating the news. But despite the negative press, Americans still value the police. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that most American adults (70%) rate the performance of the police in the area where they live as good or excellent. That’s virtually unchanged from 2016, but up from 67% in late 2014. Just five percent (5%) think their police are doing a poor job.”
Police in America have a difficult job and deal with a disproportionate share of society’s underbelly while putting their lives on the line on our behalf every day, but at least they can know that the public overwhelmingly has their back.
May 8th, 2017 at 2:31 pm
New Poll: Americans Supportive of Trump Tax Proposals
As we move forward on President Trump’s tax reform proposal, which we highlighted in our latest Liberty Update, there’s encouraging news to report. According to Rasmussen Reports, Americans are so far supportive.
By a 46% to 32% margin, Americans support Trump’s proposal to repeal the unfair “death tax,” and by a 48% to 30% margin agree that tax cuts help the economy. Voters are also receptive to the plan “to eliminate most income tax deductions in exchange for a higher standard deduction,” which will simplify the code and benefit Americans in the lower filing brackets.
So there’s popular momentum, and now it’s up to Congress to finally get this done.
September 13th, 2016 at 1:11 pm
Poll: Public Overwhelmingly Opposes Persecution of Climate Alarm Realists
The political tyranny du jour among climate change alarmists is leveraging the power of the state to persecute anyone who contradicts their orthodoxy using actual facts and data. As we’ve highlighted, that abusive effort has blown up in their faces, including countersuits from targeted organizations.
There’s more good news to report: The persecutors’ effort has hit a thud in terms of public opinion as well. In an election season marked by narrow partisan divisions, a new Rasmussen survey demonstrates a rare degree of public consensus against politicians hoping to silence climate realists:
Attorneys general in 15 states are attempting to prosecute corporations and individuals that they believe are misleading the public about global warming. Their action, which critics claim is a violation of free speech, has prompted a Congressional investigation. Most voters continue to believe that the scientific debate about global warming is not over, and oppose government action against those who question it. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% of likely U.S. voters oppose the government investigating and prosecuting scientists and others, including major corporations, who question global warming. Just 15% favor such investigations.”
It’s rare to find a 69% to 15% public agreement on anything these days, but it’s worth celebrating that despite the constant onslaught of demonizing rhetoric from climate change alarmists, the overwhelming majority of Americans continue to reject their agenda.
July 15th, 2016 at 11:28 am
Fact of the Day: By 76% to 19%, Police Chiefs Say Armed Citizens Help Reduce Violence
In this week’s Liberty Update, we note the high degree of confidence and respect that Americans hold toward the nation’s police officers. That respect is returned by the nation’s police chiefs, according to a new survey. By a 76% to 19% supermajority, surveyed chiefs say that “qualified, law-abiding armed citizens can help law enforcement reduce violent activity.” Similarly, by an 88% to 9% margin they agree that any vetted citizen should be able to buy firearms for self-defense or sport, and an 86% to 11% majority supports nationwide recognition of state-issued conceal weapon permits.
May 6th, 2016 at 11:23 am
Good News: Free Enterprise Remains Far More Popular Than Socialism
Don’t give up on American culture and run off to some deserted island or desolate wilderness hut just yet. There’s still some good news to report.
According to a new Gallup survey, free enterprise, small businesses and capitalism remain far more popular among Americans than socialism or the federal government. Despite the media kid-gloves treatment of admitted socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, only 35% of respondents say they maintain a positive view of socialism. That is actually down from 2010 and 2012, when 36% and 39% reported positive feelings. As for the federal government, which too many candidates from all parties continue to offer as some sort of elixir for what ails us, only 44% report positive feelings. That is also down from 2010 and 2012, when 46% and 51% held it in high esteem.
So congratulations, Obama. Not exactly the transformative presidency in the mold of Ronald Reagan to which you aspired.
Meanwhile, 85% of Americans report positive feelings toward free enterprise, 60% hold capitalism favorably despite constant sloganeering from the political left and an astonishing 96% hold small business in high esteem.
Now it’s just a matter of all of us doing a better job of putting those ideals into practice.
August 1st, 2011 at 1:16 pm
The Debt Battle Isn’t the Only One Conservatives Are Winning
Michael Barone and our own Quin Hillyer, among others, remind us that conservatives are winning the broader debt limit debate. But that’s not the only battle in which we conservatives are winning.
A Gallup survey released today shows that we also continue to win the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people. According to the poll, more Americans again identify themselves as “conservative” (41%) than “moderate” (36%), and almost twice as many call themselves conservative than “liberal” (21%). For two decades now, conservatives and moderates have battled for the plurality, but each could consistently claim twice as many adherents as liberalism. For the third consecutive year, however, conservatives can claim greater numbers than moderates.
That certainly isn’t the sort of change that Barack Obama might have predicted on January 20, 2009.
June 11th, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Poll: Technology Companies Highly Favored, Despite Most Institutions’ Unpopularity
“Americans are not very satisfied with most prominent institutions.” That’s the opening comment of a scientific poll released today by the Pew Research Center.
A striking exception? Technology companies.
By an enormous 68% to 18% margin, Americans state that technology companies have a positive “effect on the way things are going in the country.” This stands among the highest of thirteen institutions rated, including such entities as Congress, the federal government, religious institutions and the entertainment industry. Small businesses also scored high in public esteem, by a 71% to 19% margin.
Yet Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski and pro-regulation activists push “Net Neutrality” Internet regulation under the myth that we’re facing some alleged broadband or technological crisis? This vivid poll result should open their eyes, especially following our observation yesterday that 91% are happy with their home broadband speed.
In contrast, the public rates the very federal government that would impose “Net Neutrality” negatively by a 65% to 25% margin. Congress is also rated negatively by a 65% to 24% margin, and labor unions disfavored by a 49% to 32% margin.
The crisis isn’t in broadband or the state of our technology sector, Chairman Genachowski. The crisis lies in public confidence in over-regulatory federal bureaucracies like yours.
June 10th, 2010 at 5:33 pm
91% of Americans Satisfied With Broadband Speed, Yet FCC Continues to Push “Net Neutrality”
When was the last time that a scientific survey reported 91% agreement on anything, other than that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D – Nevada) is a really creepy guy?
Yet that’s precisely the consensus contained in a survey released by the very Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that continues to push so-called “Net Neutrality” despite overwhelming public, judicial and bipartisan Congressional opposition. According to the FCC itself, nine out of ten respondents are happy with their broadband speed:
Fully 91% of broadband users say they are ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ satisfied with the speed they get at home.”
Yet the FCC continues to concoct an imaginary broadband crisis just around the corner as an alibi for proposed “Net Neutrality” regulation.
With this reality staring it straight in the face, why does the FCC persist in pushing “Net Neutrality” upon the American public? Also consider that the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC does not possess authority to impose “Net Neutrality,” which merely triggered the FCC shenanigan of announcing that it would reclassify Internet service under Depression-era rules created to govern 1930s landline telephones. Also consider that the public opposes “Net Neutrality” by a two-to-one margin (a dramatic turnaround since 2008), and both Democrats and Republicans in Congress sent separate letters to the FCC opposing this atrocious proposal.
None of this seems to interrupt Chairman Julius Genachowski and his slim FCC majority. “Net Neutrality” will be defeated, whether via judicial, Congressional or administrative avenues. But how long will it take for Genachowski to wake up and smell that coffee?