Beyond the James Comey cacophony that increasingly appears composed of left-wing hype rather than legal substance, it’s worth highlighting an encouraging new Rasmussen Reports survey released this week.
Despite years of false “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” demonization of the nation’s police forces, the American public continues to back the cops:
It’s been a rough few years to be a police officer, with high-profile police shootings and riots dominating the news. But despite the negative press, Americans still value the police. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that most American adults (70%) rate the performance of the police in the area where they live as good or excellent. That’s virtually unchanged from 2016, but up from 67% in late 2014. Just five percent (5%) think their police are doing a poor job.”
Police in America have a difficult job and deal with a disproportionate share of society’s underbelly while putting their lives on the line on our behalf every day, but at least they can know that the public overwhelmingly has their back.