As discussed previously by CFIF, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) is getting some much deserved attention for his path breaking proposal, “A Roadmap for America’s Future.” The Roadmap lays out a comprehensive vision for matching spending on federal entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security with tax receipts. In other words, it offers specifics on the GOP’s long-stated aim to make government live within its means.
Of course, proposing an elegant, tough-minded legislative solution in an election year doesn’t win many co-sponsors. In Ryan’s case, he’s got 9. The folks at Newsweek noticed and are calling out Republicans for their lack of agreement on a substantive way forward. Being a man of substance and conviction isn’t easy in Washington, D.C., especially for a member of Congress. That Paul Ryan is willing to put his policies where his rhetoric is deserves not only a nod, but broad based conservative support as well.