If you are overjoyed to see the line item deductions from your paycheck flowing to the federal government, this blog post is not for you. If you have the opposite reaction, get ready to pay an additional $150 – $240 per month so the feds can pay for long term care. (Not yours directly, of course. Contra Al Gore, there is no lockbox or personal account for your tax dollars. Just an IOU written to your grandchildren.)
The reason? Taking the money helps ease the burden on Medicaid for all those future bed-ridden citizens unable to care for themselves. Perhaps the worst thing about this program isn’t the increase in taxes; it’s the replacing of family with government as the comfort care provider of last resort. Not only will people be told to look to government for their pensions, but also for their end-of-life needs. Under Obamacare, taxpayer dollars are going to fund abortions and end-of-life care. Credit Democrats for this: in one bill they managed to extend government intrusion from the womb to the tomb.