A new Gallup poll previews “Nightmare on Nancy’s Street” for the upcoming midterm elections.
Several excerpts:
A record-low percentage of U.S. voters – 28% — say most members of Congress deserve to be re-elected. The previous low was 29% in October 1992.”
Additionally, 65% of registered voters – the highest in Gallup history, and by far the highest in any recent midterm year – now say most members of Congress do not deserve re-election.”
Voters anti-incumbent mood is like nothing Gallup has seen in the past four midterm election cycles. While that could have a negative impact on incumbents from both parties, the greater exposure of the Democrats by virtue of their majority status means greater risk for their candidates.”
So here’s our question: If you are a Democrat Congressperp and voted for ObamaCare, Stimulus I through XXIII, Bailouts, Cap and Trade and the Kick Your Constituents’ Dog Bill, would you go near your doctor’s office…your bank…your service station…or even that proverbial Main Street, USA?
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