A sobering column by a Greek politician in today’s Wall Street Journal shows that Stalin-style Communism is making a comeback in a nation teetering on the edge of financial meltdown. The breakdown in policing has led to countless acts of violence – including murder – that go unpunished:
Many argue that Greece’s disintegration is the unavoidable consequence of the government’s attempt to enforce fiscal austerity. This seems doubtful. This meltdown can be seen as the product of the totalitarian left’s open attempt to exploit the economic crisis and destroy Greece’s existing democratic and economic institutions. What we are witnessing is not a descent into chaos, but a descent into organized lawlessness. Sowing pandemonium and forcing Greece to default will, according to Greek Stalinists’ analysis, bring the revolution nearer.
What makes the situation worrisome is not so much the political strength of this movement. After all, the Communist Party and the Coalition of the Radical Left together claim no more than 13% popular support.
The problem, rather, lies with the political and ideological passivity of the parties that do represent Greece’s broader middle classes. The tolerance these democrats have shown toward their totalitarian counterparts has allowed the latter to play a leading role in shaping Greek public discourse. Do they imagine the favor would be returned if the Coalition of the Radical Left were in charge?
Unless Greece’s political elite realizes the seriousness of what’s happening and acts now to re- establish the rule of democratic law, their efforts to deal with Greece’s economic problems will have been in vain.