The Taliban Aren’t al-Qaida; You Didn’t Understand That?
Earlier this week, we got an Afghan Taliban press release courtesy of the Associated Press. It assured us that all the Taliban want is “independence and establishment of an Islamic system” and don’t want to harm other countries or any other bad stuff if only all of us would simply go away and leave them alone to do with the indigenous people as they will. (Perhaps you are familiar with how the Taliban go about establishing an Islamic system.)
Well, good to know and thanks for sharing, we thought.
Then we got a UPI story, which led with, “U.S. officials say al-Qaida is seen as a greater threat than the Afghan Taliban in the emerging war strategy formulations of President Barack Obama. … After the president met with top advisers Wednesday for three hours, officials said the new strategy may focus more on a campaign against al-Qaida in Pakistan than on the Taliban in Afghanistan.”
And then, sure enough, we got another Associated Press story that began, “President Obama is prepared to accept some Taliban involvement in Afganistan’s political future and appears inclined to send only as many more U.S. troops as needed to keep al-Qaida at bay, a senior administration official said Thursday.”
You do see what is happening here, with President Obama’s “War of Necessity,” don’t you? If not, don’t worry, you soon will.