April 13th, 2010 at 3:49 pm
SEIU’s Andy Stern, Retire in Peace
All politically/financially/culturally destructive things must end, and so it is that the chief of the Service Employee International Union (SEIU), Andy Stern, will be stepping down soon. Ostensibly, it’s because he helped shepherd comprehensive health care “reform” into law, one of his key legislative goals. But as the New York Times points out, he didn’t achieve passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (aka “card check”), which eliminates the secret ballot in unionization elections. Hard to believe that after 14 years at the helm, Captain Ahab Stern is jumping ship before landing the biggest prize for organized labor. Could it be he’s being groomed for bigger things than a radical, labor version of a community organizer?
March 19th, 2010 at 1:30 pm
More SEIU Shenanigans
Here’s yet another reason to flay Andy Stern’s leadership of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). One of the biggest motivators behind the union’s support for Obamacare is the belief that requiring an individual mandate to buy insurance will create more health care jobs ripe for unionization. Just in time, too, because SEIU is apparently incapable of adequately funding its own pension plans.
What’s the connection? The SEIU needs more new dues-paying members to pay for the retirement of current members if it is to rescue its pension plans from subpar performance. It’s a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud. With many of its members employed in health care, the union believes – not illogically – that if more Americans have health insurance, the demand for health care will expand and so will employment in the health sector.
Who says the Democrats aren’t focusing on job creation?
March 13th, 2010 at 12:58 am
Deficit Panel Gets a Few Hawks to Fend Off Andy Stern
Today, congressional Republicans put up their six members to sit on President Barack Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. They are Representatives Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Jeb Hensarling of Texas, and Dave Camp of Michigan, along with Senators Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, and Mike Crapo of Idaho. Hopefully, their combined focus on cutting spending will off-set fellow panelist and SEIU chief Andy Stern’s insatiable appetite for more tax dollars funneled to public employee unions. Bring on C-SPAN!
March 1st, 2010 at 6:09 pm
Obama Names Union Boss to Deficit Reduction Panel
If there are any camels’ backs at the breaking point, here’s a public employee union-sponsored straw. As if daring the mainstream media to challenge his meritless assertions of bipartisanship, President Obama named SEIU leader and fellow Saul Alinsky disciple, Andy Stern, to his “Bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.”
That’s right; the panel of experts tasked with finding ways to reduce the federal deficit will count among its ranks a man who agitates for expanding both the membership and compensation of government employees. He also has tight connections with ACORN and organized intimidation campaigns against Tea Party activists. Asking Stern to find ways to save taxpayer money is like putting a fox in charge of the bed check in a hen house: it makes sense if you don’t think about it.
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