Fidel Castro Joins Other Leftists Disappointed With Obama
If the Wikileaks State Department cables are ever compiled into a book, one of the chapters should contain the rise and fall of Fidel Castro’s affinity for President Barack Obama. It’s hard not to smirk when reading this article from The Guardian outlining the Cuban despot’s excitement that the candidate of “hope” and “change” would take America in a leftward direction.
Considered “obsessed” with Obama by U. S. diplomats stationed in Havana, Castro wrote several op-eds in a state-run newspaper praising the president for his speech in Cairo, Egypt. The dictator also liked Obama’s stance on global warming. That is, until The One broke the dear leader’s heart at the Copenhagen Conference. (Apparently, wanting some concessions from China before handing over climate reparations went too far for Latin America’s oldest communist.)
Get in line, Fidel. You and Che Guevara-sporting American Left will have to content yourselves “only” with the first critical step towards socialized medicine (Obamacare), and unprecedented nationalizations of the finance and auto industry.