Obama and Biden Predicted Iraq Surge Failure, Now Claim Credit for It?
In January 2007, President Bush announced a surge of approximately 20,000 troops to win the war in Iraq. In this convenient and brief video clip, then-Senators Joe Biden and Barack Obama insisted that the surge was a terrible idea destined to failure. Biden even slurred General David Petraeus as the only person who believed the surge would work, and Obama actually predicted that the surge would make things worse, not better.
Fast forward to last week. In one of the most distasteful and brazen illustrations of chutzpah in modern politics, Vice President Biden now claims in this video clip that success in Iraq, following the surge that both he and Obama opposed so unequivocally, may stand as “one of the great achievements of the Obama Administration.”
On second thought, however, perhaps Biden is correct. In light of the utter catastrophes inflicted to date by the Obama Administration, perhaps not managing to bungle the successful Iraq surge that the Bush Administration ordered is indeed its greatest success. Either way, former Vice President Cheney is also correct that Obama and Biden owe Bush a belated “thank you” on Iraq.