Video: Obama’s Hypocritical Class Warfare
In this week’s “Freedom Minute,” CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the deception and hypocrisy of President Obama’s class warfare.
In this week’s “Freedom Minute,” CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the deception and hypocrisy of President Obama’s class warfare.
Below is one of the latest cartoons from two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Ramirez.
View more of Michael Ramirez’s cartoons on CFIF’s website here.
In this week’s Freedom Minute, CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the increasingly destructive drumbeat of class warfare rhetoric coming out of the White House of late and urges President Obama to stop it and focus on economic growth for all Americans.
In what can only be described as a stroke of journalistic genius, the folks over at the Daily Caller cross-referenced the addresses of protesters arrested during the Occupy Wall Street protests with real estate listings and Google Maps. The results speak volumes. Here are just a few examples of the humble dwellings of the underclass:
Who knew it took this much square footage to fight the man?
H/T: Mollie Hemingway @ Ricochet