Drug Price Controls Would Kill Innovation
We at CFIF have been emphasizing the threat posed by new drug price controls inexplicably contemplated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In December, CFIF filed formal Comment opposing that ill-advised proposal, and hopefully wiser minds will prevail before the damage is done. In similar vein, The Wall Street Journal ran a welcome commentary entitled “The Drug Price-Control Threat” on January 8 of this year, and a followup letter from reader Bruce Zessar of Highland Park, Illinois in today’s edition offers a personal, real-world illustration of what could be lost:
Insulin isn’t the same now as when it was discovered a century ago. My wife is a Type I diabetic, diagnosed when she was 14 in 1980. She has been a beneficiary of the tremendous advances in insulin therapy during the last four decades, including Lantus and Humalog. When we got married in 1990, she had to live on a rigid schedule, eating lunch at, say, noon, and then dinner by 6:30-7:00 every day. That’s becaue of the way prior insulin therapies worked in managing blood sugar. With the invention of Lantus and Humalog, she can now live a normal life like everyone else.
Insulin is a shining example of why drugs deserve the utmost patent protection to encourage continual innovation.”
Price controls have never worked in any nation that has tried them, or with any commodity. Few, if any, products are as important to our lives as America’s world-leading pharmaceutical sector, and we mustn’t let the price control scheme contemplated by the HHS kill the goose that continues to lay golden eggs.
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