October 1st, 2010 at 10:52 am
Idiocracy Ascendant? Obama Calls Comedian Jon Stewart’s Rally “Really Important”
One week ago, we were treated to the pathetic spectacle of Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert “testifying” before Congress in character. Colbert was invited by Representative Zoe Lofgren (D – California), but even House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D – Maryland) called it “an embarrassment” and “not appropriate.” Now this week, President Obama labeled Comedy Central host Jon Stewart’s farcical October 30 rally in Washington, D.C. “really important.” With all of the domestic and international issues pressing the White House and our nation generally, not to mention a pivotal election just days later, Obama considers Stewart’s inanity “really important?”
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, coming from a man who was elected largely on the basis of a cartoon “Hope” poster.
May 6th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
Comedy Central Returns to Its Roots
What better way to celebrate the Iranian President’s visit to America than for Comedy Central to announce plans to develop a half-hour show about Jesus Christ “wanting to escape the shadow of his ‘powerful but apathetic father’ and live a regular life in New York City”?
As CFIF Senior Fellow Troy Senik pointed out last week, this is the same network that heavily censored a “South Park” episode lampooning the Prophet Mohammed for fear of offending radical jihadists. When asked whether there was a double standard in making fun of the founder of Christianity, the network’s head of original programming says, “In general, comedy in purist form always makes some people uncomfortable.”
Good to see Comedy Central getting back to its roots: attacking the pillars of Western civilization while making a buck.
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