Congressional Hispanic Caucus Pushing for Lame Duck DREAM Act Vote
As CFIF recently noted, the Democrats in Congress are committed to passing more controversial legislation before their chokehold on the legislative process eases in January. Reporting from the San Antonio Express-News confirms that members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are personally lobbying President Barack Obama to put the weight of his slight frame behind a vote on the DREAM Act during the lame duck session.
As noted in the Express-News article, there are 800,000 reasons to do so:
The DREAM Act, or Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, would require the affected youths to enter the armed forces or attend college for two years, clear a background check and have no criminal records to be eligible for citizenship.
Roughly 800,000 teens and young adults would be eligible, according to immigration rights groups.
With one of those immigration rights groups estimating an annual addition of 65,000 potential beneficiaries under the DREAM Act, the only thing standing in the way of a multi-generational Latino dependency on the Democratic Party is a GOP-led filibuster in the Senate.