Brit Newspaper Releases ‘Top 20’ Tea Party Leaders
According to Britain’s Telegraph newspaper, here are the bottom ten of the Top 20 leaders of the American Tea Party movement:
11. David Koch, industrial magnate
12. Rand Paul, GOP U.S. Senate candidate in Kentucky
13. Jim DeMint, Republican Senator from South Carolina
14. Judson and Sherry Phillips, founders of Tea Party Nation
15. Michael Leahy, blogger
16. Mark Williams, former chairman of the Tea Party Express
17. Ken Buck, GOP U.S. Senate candidate in Colorado
18. Mark Skoda
19. Joe Miller, GOP U.S. Senate candidate in Alaska
20. Sal Russo, chief strategist, Tea Party Express
The rest of the Top 20 will be released soon. In the meantime, go here to read more about the figures listed above.