June 11th, 2010 at 4:19 pm
What’s Going On in South Carolina?!
While I don’t want any part of the mess surrounding the GOP run-off election for governor, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate is too intriguing to pass up. Former Army and Air Force member Alvin Greene may be the most tragically comic major party nominee this election cycle. Consider these opening paragraphs from a Washington Post profile:
Alvin M. Greene never gave a speech during his campaign to become this state’s Democratic nominee for Senate. He didn’t start a Web site or hire consultants or plant lawn signs. There’s only $114 in his campaign bank account, he says, and the only check he ever wrote from it was to cover his filing fee.
Indeed, in a three-hour interview, the unemployed military veteran could not name a single specific thing he’d done to campaign. Yet more than 100,000 South Carolinians voted for him on Tuesday, handing him nearly 60 percent of the vote and a resounding victory over Vic Rawl, a former judge who has served four terms in the state legislature.
Vic Rawl must be hating South Carolina voters today. So too might Greene’s Republican opponent, conservative stalwart Senator Jim DeMint. Imagine trying to run against a challenger with – to date – no position on anything other than, “We have to be pro-South Carolina.”
Things are getting awfully strange in the Palmetto State. Thankfully, its other U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is about as non-controversial as an immigration friendly, climate change believing Southern Republican can be.
June 9th, 2010 at 7:16 pm
Union Leaders Terrible at Spending Other People’s Money
We’ve all heard the horror stories and seen the cringe-inducing statistics about public employee pensions and the unions that make them insolvent. Now, organized labor provides yet another example of just how bad its leaders are at managing other people’s money; this time, their own members’ dues.
Because Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) did not support a public option in ObamaCare, the dons of American labor decided to make an example out of her to other left-of-center Democrats. Their hate totaled $10 million of union members’ dues spent to defeat her in the Arkansas Democratic primary. And they lost.
True to form, they are lashing out. In fact, the political director of the SEIU issued a warning to other Lincoln-type Democrats:
“We’ll see if Blanche Lincoln is made a better senator for having to answer to working Arkansans over these past few weeks. And if you are [Democrats] Larry Kissell (N.C.-08) or Zack Space (Ohio-18) or Mike McMahon (N.Y.-13) or Michael Arcuri (N.Y.-24) or another candidate who stopped advocating for the needs of working families once elected, the labor movement is going to be at the side of those voters who demand change,” said SEIU national political director Jon Youngdahl.
These people are crazy. But then again, you’re an American taxpayer so you probably already knew that.
H/T: Politico
June 3rd, 2010 at 5:38 pm
The Other Candidate Running Against Barbara Boxer
For those paying attention to the U.S. Senate race in California, it would be a forgivable sin of omission if one thought that all of Senator Barbara Boxer’s (D-CA) campaign opponents sported an “R” after their name. But apparently, she’s got competition in her Democratic primary next Tuesday: Slate contributor Mickey Kaus.
Surprisingly, Kaus is running to Boxer’s right on issues like firing bad public school teachers (supports), and amnesty for illegal immigrants (opposes). And for those who would tar and feather Kaus as an ideological heretic, consider his response:
I’d argue these are the positions a liberal who cared about government and inequality would take. Why do Democrats reject them? They increasingly say it’s not so much because of policy, but because of politics: they have to turn out the “base” to win the next election, and the “base” consists of union members and Latinos (plus African Americans, who are badly hurt by illegal immigration but whom the party takes for granted).
Never mind that this theory is nearly unfalsifiable–if the Democrats lose, its proponents will always say that they just didn’t please the base enough. Has base-pleasing ever panned out? Looking back over recent elections, I can only think of one where the “base” was clearly more important than the moderate middle–that was the presidential election of 2004, when George W. Bush turned out millions of new right-wing voters many people thought didn’t exist. But most recent mid-term elections have been preceded by predictions that “Hey, given the low turnout it all depends on mobilizing the base!”–only to be followed by acknowledgments that it was moderate swing voters who swung the result.
If only Senator Boxer would debate this guy…
H/T: Huffington Post