Marco Rubio Is In a Class By Himself
Three Freedom Works-backed U.S. Senate candidates sent videotaped messages to the 1,000+ gathering of grassroots activists last Friday night. The differences in quality and presentation were noticeable.
Dino Rossi (R-WA) stands in front of a campaign banner dressed in slacks and an open collar, long-sleeved shirt. He thanks Freedom Works and the crowd for its hard work, and gives an earnest, seemingly impromptu riff on the problems facing Washington State and America. Good, but not great.
Next was Rand Paul (R-KY). Seated in an office environment surrounded by book shelves, Paul also sports an open collar shirt. Like Rossi’s video, Paul’s looks and feels like a candidate taking a few moments out of a busy day to look directly into a camera held by a campaign operative, and doing his best to stay on message.
Then Marco Rubio’s video begins. After the fade-in, Rubio (R-FL) appears leaning forward on a stool with one foot on the ground as if ready to walk forward and greet the viewer. He’s dressed in a crisp dark suit and power tie. His mannerisms give the subtle impression he’s studied how to interact with a camera. His delivery is smooth and unhurried. Unlike Rossi and Paul, Rubio doesn’t just talk to the audience members; he connects with them. His video is certainly shot in a studio, and his communications team took pains to mold his stump speech to fit this grassroots crowd.
Judging by the audience’s reaction after each candidate’s video, Rubio won the straw poll. No wonder the Freedom Works organizers chose to end with his submission.