Rothenberg: GOP May Be Right, But Raise Taxes Anyway?
Stuart Rothenberg perfectly articulates the difficult post-election position of fiscal conservatives:
Republicans may well be correct that the nation’s biggest problem is that “the government spends too much, not that it taxes too little,” but at some point political realities rather than ideological beliefs or past party dogma ought to guide both party leaders and members of its rank and file.
The Roll Call columnist also shows just how much Beltway logic drives his analysis. If Republicans are right that “the government spends too much, not that it taxes too little,” then Republicans are justified in pushing for reduced spending and resisting tax increases. And, if Republicans are right, then President Barack Obama and his fellow liberals are wrong to demand the opposite.
That’s not ideology, just math and common sense. Political calculations may end up trumping both eventually, but that doesn’t mean that fiscal conservatives within the Republican Party are wrong as a matter of logic from defending their position.
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