Clintons Currying Favor Amid Dejected Democrats
Power abhors a vacuum. So too do the people seeking it. From Rhode Island comes another example of the chit-building Bill Clinton is possibly doing while President Barack Obama dithers.
You may recall the now-infamous “shove-it” line to President Obama came from the Democratic nominee for Rhode Island’s governorship. It was presaged by the president’s refusal to endorse Democrat Frank Caprio in deference to Obama’s friendship with former Republican, current independent candidate Lincoln Chafee. In his rebuke of the president, Caprio did more than reject Obama’s aura; he embraced Bill Clinton’s.
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:
Despite the furor his crude suggestion caused, Mr. Caprio not only is sticking by his “shove it” comment. His campaign has just announced a weekend event with Mr. Clinton, whom it says is much more popular in the state than Mr. Obama. The campaign told that Mr. Caprio “aims to be a governor in the mold of President Clinton.” Zing, zing. It also noted a Gallup survey showing that voters of every affiliation would be more likely to vote for a candidate backed by Mr. Clinton than one backed by Mr. Obama.
A new poll by the local NBC affiliate suggests that “shove it” may have unsettled the race, with Mr. Chafee now running at 35% and Mr. Caprio, with 25%, running third behind Republican John Robitaille, who has 28%. How much confidence to put in such polling amid a fluid three-man contest is debatable. In any case, Democrats will be watching closely. An eleventh-hour victory by Mr. Caprio would be fodder for those dreaming of a Clinton-Obama rematch in 2012.
If Caprio wins, don’t expect a make-up session between him and the president. If he loses, don’t be surprised if he emerges 18 months from now as a top hand in Hillary’s bid to challenge for the 2012 nomination.