“Climategate” Part II? Obama’s GAO Admits Error in Targeting For-Profit Colleges
Remember “Climategate,” which exposed the flawed and doctored data behind global warming alarmists’ partisan agenda?
We may have a new equivalent with the Obama Administration’s persecution of for-profit colleges. A “Collegegate,” if you will.
CFIF has detailed the Education Department’s unjustified demonization of for-profit colleges, which provide working Americans the opportunity to improve their educations, obtain critical job skills and make themselves more marketable amid a tight employment market. We also detailed how Senators Tom Coburn (R – Oklahoma) and Richard Burr (R – North Carolina) have inquired into allegations that the Education Department “may have leaked the proposed regulations to parties supporting the Administration’s position and investors who stand to benefit from the failure of the proprietary school sector.”
Now, compounding the shamefulness of this federal persecution, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has just admitted that its August 4, 2010 report alleging undercover recruiting violations was defective. This is significant, because only 1% of GAO reports receive revisions, suggesting substantial error in this particular instance. Predictably, the GAO says that it stands by it’s “central finding,” but so did the United Nations and other global warming activists following the Climategate disclosures. The implications are serious enough that Senator Mike Enzi (R – Wyoming) has written GAO chief Gene Dodaro regarding “a number of troubling questions” that “undermine many of the allegations” that the GAO has leveled in its campaign against for-profit colleges.
So on top of a transparently partisan Obama Administration attack against career colleges and allegations of insider trading, we now have the federal government admitting that its supposed “sting” report was defective. It’s time to get to the bottom of this debacle, which is already humiliating for the Obama Administration. It appears as though it’s only about to get worse…