New North Dakota Senator to Obama: “You’re Wrong on Energy”
NBC News quotes U.S. Senator-Elect Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) from a campaign debate on what she would say to President Barack Obama about his energy policy:
“You’re wrong on energy. You’re headed in the wrong direction. You made bad decisions,” she said, according to The Associated Press. “You promised that you would promote clean coal technologies, that you would be a champion of coal, and you haven’t done it.” She also urged the president to replace Energy Secretary Steven Chu and EPA administrator Lisa Jackson.
Certainly, that kind of independence helped Heitkamp eke out a win in a state Mitt Romney won by 20 points. Now that she’s earned the right to speak her mind in the U.S. Senate, let’s see if she’s willing to make good on her promise. With the coal industry staring at death by a thousand regulations, the sooner the better.