January 17th, 2011 at 1:41 pm
Hat Tip to a Real Community Organizer
For this year’s celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I’d like to suggest printing and reading King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. The work is part of the American literary and cultural canons, deserving rightful mention alongside other great statements of American principles like King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”
King’s public witness reminds Americans that ours is a nation of aspiration. May his words inspire us to keep fighting for individual freedom…together.
H/T: University of Pennsylvania African Studies Center & MLKOnline
November 22nd, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Originator of the World’s Smallest Political Quiz Dies
Yesterday David Nolan, co-founder of the Libertarian Party and creator of the “Nolan Chart,” died. He was 66. In honor of the man whose recent U.S. Senate campaign touted the slogan, “Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom” here is a link to “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz” – a sleek version of Nolan’s famous chart identifying a person’s political orientation based on answers to government-related questions. By taking it you’ll join more than 16 million fellow seekers.
H/T: Advocates for Self Government