Joe the Plumber, Vindicated – Obama Says “You’ve Made Too Much Money”
Pardon our John Kerry-accented French, but who the hell does Barack Obama think he is?
This was Obama, once again saturated in his own false sense of economic prowess, speaking yesterday to an ever-dwindling audience of true believers in Illinois:
I do think, at a certain point, you’ve made too much money.”
Really? Does the $5,505,409 that Obama earned last year happen to conveniently fall just below that “too much money” threshold? What about his multimillionaire supporters Oprah Winfrey and George Soros? And more importantly, who does this man think he is to instruct the most dynamic and prosperous society in human history that “you’ve made too much money?”
Somewhere, Joe the Plumber must be shaking his head over a cold beer and sighing, “I tried to warn you.” It’s too bad that more people didn’t heed his warning after Obama suggested that we “spread the wealth around” during the 2008 campaign, but there’s always the opportunity for a “do over” in November 2010 and 2012.
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