May 31st, 2018 at 12:13 pm
Image of the Day: Paul Krugman’s Timeless Faceplant from 1998
Paul Krugman, the political left’s favorite economist, claims quite a record for faceplant predictions. Readers will recall his prediction on election night in November 2016 that markets would “never” recover from the ensuing crash that Donald Trump’s upset victory would trigger.
Here’s another timeless Krugman gem from 1998:
The Left's Favorite Economist
November 14th, 2016 at 11:38 am
NY Times’s Paul Krugman Discredited In Record Time
There may be no commentator more exposed and discredited in recent years than The New York Times’s Paul Krugman.
Where to even begin? My personal favorite might be his call for a massive spending “stimulus” when Obama entered office, which he estimated should be approximately $600 billion, to return economic health to the nation. “When I put this all together,” he said, “I conclude that the stimulus package should be at least 4% of GDP, or $600 billion.” Obama ended up getting something much larger, closer to $1 trillion. Yet when the U.S. proceeded to suffer the worst decade of economic performance in U.S. history and multiple failed “recovery summers,” Krugman just shamelessly published a later piece entitled “How Did We Know the Stimulus Was Too Small?”
Fast forward to election night, when he moped and went on record predicting that markets would never recover from Donald Trump’s victory. You can’t make this stuff up:
It really does now look like President Donald Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?
Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear. Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”
So what happened immediately after Krugman’s solemn prediction? Well, markets reached another record high on Friday.
Perhaps Krugman simply recognizes the wreckage of Obama’s legacy, and masochistically seeks to outdo him?
June 19th, 2015 at 9:51 am
WSJ News Item Debunks Leftists’ Anti-Texas Myth
Texas illustrates the real-world success of less government and free market principles, yet leftists like oft-discredited New York Times columnist Paul Krugman attempt to dismiss it as some sort of demographic or energy fluke.
A news feature this week in The Wall Street Journal, however, offers yet another objective refutation of their efforts. Entitled “Texas’ Engine Keeps Revving,” the article details how jobs and population continue to grow despite the recent energy sector slump:
The continued economic success of the Dallas-Ft. Worth metro area, the nation’s fourth largest, with nearly seven million people, is one of the reasons Texas has so far managed to stave off a sharp downturn despite losing thousands of jobs in the oil patch and related industries. The region lost more than 100,000 jobs during the recession, but it has added nearly four times that number since then… Dallas isn’t the only Texas region that has diversified. The San Antonio metro area, which has 2.3 million residents, now has a burgeoning biotech sector. Austin, with its population of 1.9 million, had the lowest unemployment rate among the nation’s largest metro areas in April as it undergoes a hotel boom.”
That doesn’t happen by accident. After all, California enjoys a higher population, better weather, diversified economic base and greater access to trade with its vast coastal area. In other words, the sorts of things that Krugman offers as rationalizations for the Texas boom. The reality is that Texas continues to flourish despite the rapid drop in oil prices because unlike states like California, Connecticut or Illinois, it opts for lower taxes, less regulation and freer markets. Hopefully, that lesson will continue to sink in with the rest of the nation and our federal leaders.
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