Government Health Plans Cost More Than Private Plans
In this week’s Liberty Update, we highlight how Kamala Harris isn’t even bothering to conceal her goal of abolishing private health insurance in America. Whereas Barack Obama earned PolitiFact’s 2013 “Lie of the Year” for assuring America that, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it,” Harris just openly advocates ending private healthcare plans completely. Some pro-socialized medicine extremists claim that the 80% of Americans who prefer private insurance are somehow oblivious to its cost. In a letter in today’s Wall Street Journal, however, a wise reader notes that government plans cost even more:
[T]he average annual cost of Medicare per beneficiary in 2022 (the latest data) was $15,727. For a retired couple, that’s $31,454 a year, or 30% more than private coverage for a whole family.”
A second reader further notes that while someone with employer-provided private insurance can at least see how much is taken out of his or her paycheck, we have no idea how tax dollars that subsidize government plans are inefficiently used within the murky interiors of the federal bureaucracy.