NY Times Continues Its Surrender March to Trump Economic Bump
In last week’s Liberty Update, we highlighted how when even The New York Times acknowledges how Trump Administration policies have turbocharged the sluggish economy he inherited, the debate over whether the economy benefits from more federal regulation or less federal regulation is won. This is the same Times that features far-left economist Paul Krugman, who predicted upon Trump’s election that markets would crash and “never” recover.
Well, we’re happy to highlight how the slow surrender march at the Times continues under the headline “Companies Are Handing Out Bonuses Thanks to the Tax Law. Is It a Publicity Stunt?” Their snarky addendum is understandable coming from them, but their introduction acknowledges reality:
The big corporate tax break that became law last month is great news for companies and their investors. But what about employees? How much of the corporate windfall will go to workers via higher wages?
Since President Trump signed the $1.5 trillion tax cut into law on Dec. 22, nearly 20 large companies have announced some form of bonus or wage hike for their employees.”
It proceeds to list some of those companies, including AT&T, Comcast, Southwest Airlines, American Airlines and others.
In last week’s Liberty Update feature we noted how their January 1 story admitted that the good economic news it detailed occurred before the tax reform legislation had even passed. Now that it has, we’re glad to see that the Times at least continues its sudden trend of acknowledging reality.