Obama-Sestak Offer Now in Issa’s Crosshairs
Since the Obama Administration and newly minted Senate candidate Joe Sestak (D-PA) won’t discuss Sestak’s February allegation that a White House official offered him a job not to primary party-switching Arlen Specter, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is looking into the matter. As CFIF readers remember, Issa’s interest is not desired by most people in public life. The conservative foil to liberal Investigator-in-Chief Henry Waxman (D-CA), Issa is now comparing the Obama-Sestak offer to the Watergate fiasco.
That may be going a bit far, but the facts – and the stonewalling – are at least as important to uncover as the Valerie Plame Affair. In that case, the Vice President’s Chief of Staff was convicted of four felonies for lying to federal agents and obstructing their investigation. Notice any similarities with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ refusal to comment, and the White House declining to appoint an independent investigator?
It sounds old to keep comparing how the media would be covering Obama’s actions if done by Bush, but the contrasts are still striking. This is now the second time potentially illegal negotiations over a United States Senate seat have been linked to Obama’s White House. The first instance cost Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich his job and may yet lead to a prison sentence. Now, another round of Chicago-style deal making may imperil Joe Sestak’s senate campaign. At some point, you’d think lower level Democrats would start reconsidering their allegiance to a president who clearly favors backroom deals to open electoral processes.