With gas prices at record highs for this time of year, CFIF’s Renee Giachino uses facts to dispel President Obama’s myth that his administration is committed to an “all of the above” energy policy that includes increased development of domestic oil and gas. Giachino’s message to the President: “Stop the dreaming. Start the drilling.”
One year after the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the need for the federal government to stop dragging its feet in allowing truly injured parties on the Gulf Coast to be made whole. Furthermore, Giachino implores the Obama Administration to stop standing in the way of developing our much-needed oil resources in the Gulf.
I guess there had to be at least one negative aspect of the Reagan legacy. It’s temperamental. The Gipper was famous for the sign on his desk reading “It CAN be done”. What a great American sentiment: sweet-tempered, optimistic, tenacious. It helps, of course, when the goal in question CAN be done.
Not so “energy independence”, which has become something of a Fox News shibboleth the last few years. While there’s a strong case to be made for allowing increased domestic energy production, the idea that it will free us from the vagaries of the global energy market is a pipe dream. But don’t take my word for it. Noted conservative economist Irwin Stelzer (a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a regular contributor to the Weekly Standard) makes the point in a very judicious analysis of President Obama’s push for increased oil exploration published in today’s D.C. Examiner:
More important, and this is no fault of the president’s, even if these offshore areas are eventually opened up, their development cannot eliminate the security threat and economic consequences of our dependence on foreign oil. Fuel autarchy is not in our future.
There just isn’t enough oil offshore to replace our imports from unfriendly countries such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. No matter what happens in the newly permitted areas, we will need their oil.
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