
Posts Tagged ‘Promises’
June 6th, 2012 at 4:56 pm
Another ObamaCare “You Can Keep Your Insurance” Casualty: College Health Plans
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Remember when Obama  solemnly and repeatedly promised that “if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them?”

If not, don’t beat yourself up.  He has broken so many promises that no reasonable person can keep tally.

But score another casualty to ObamaCare specifically.  According to The Wall Street Journal, college students should expect their plans to become more expensive or disappear altogether:

“Some colleges are dropping student-health plans for the coming academic year and others are telling students to expect sharp premium increases because of a provision in the federal health law requiring plans to beef up coverage.  The demise of low-cost, low-benefit health plans for students is a consequence of the 2010 health care overhaul.  The law is intended to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, but it is also eliminating some insurance options.”

Moreover, that consequence will likely be widespread:

“The new rules are likely to affect a broad swath of American colleges.  Some 60% of schools’ plans had coverage of $50,000 or less for specific conditions, and almost all of the rest have some sort of payout caps that they will have to do away with by 2014, the GAO study found.”

And the Obama Administration’s response?  They apparently couldn’t care a whole lot less.  “The Obama Administration,” the report notes, “argues that the most limited benefit plans colleges previously offered hardly counted as coverage at all.”

Yeah, that should motivate the youth vote for Obama just like those vapid, naive days of 2008.