December 22nd, 2022 at 11:35 am
Image of the Day: Public Trust in Media Sinks to New Low
In the wake of the outrageous and still-unfolding Twittergate revelations, one can’t intelligently contend that they haven’t earned their unpopularity, but according to a new I&I/TIPP survey that’s worth reading in its entirety, public trust in media has plummeted to a new record low:
Trust in Media Hits New Low
October 4th, 2019 at 10:29 am
Image of the Day: Mainstream Media’s Evaporating Credibility
From Forbes, our image of the day captures nicely the mainstream media’s credibility problem, as their cries of “Wolf!” accumulate. Simultaneously, it captures how three institutions most intertwined with conservative values – the military, small business and police – remain atop the list of public esteem.
Media’s Evaporating Credibility
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