February 16th, 2021 at 1:37 pm
Image of the Day: Don’t Believe the “Blue State Tax Bailout” Advocates
From our friend Dan Clifton, a nifty visual rebuke to leftists and Biden Administration officials pleading impoverishment and demanding a federal bailout of “blue” states. Incoming tax revenues are actually up at the state and local level, and high-tax blue states would be better off engaging in tax reform and reduction for their own citizens instead of asking taxpayers in other states to bail them out:
No Blue State Tax Bailout Needed
January 18th, 2019 at 6:52 pm
Image of the Day: Higher Top Income Tax Rates Don’t Mean Increased Revenues
In our Liberty Update this week, we highlight how history refutes the idea that returning to top income tax rates of 70% or higher, offered by new faces on the political left like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, will somehow pay for all of the new entitlement spending they advocate. Wealthier taxpayers actually carried a smaller share of the nation’s income tax payments before the top marginal rate was cut. And, as illustrated nicely by Veronique de Rugy and the great folks at the Mercatus Center, it won’t unleash some wellspring of new tax revenues that leftists might hope in any event:
Sorry, Leftists
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